Resulting from the love and support of benefactors, the 2020 cookbook fundraiser for the Carmelite Sisters of Morristown generated funds that helped the Sisters with some of their many needs. For their elderly and infirmed Sisters, they were able to purchase a hospital bed, a reclining chair, as well as other durable medical equipment. The Sisters are very grateful to all of their benefactors.
The cloistered contemplative Carmelite Sisters of Morristown are devoted to praying more than eight hours a day for peace in our community and in the world. They depend entirely on the goodwill of the community to meet their most basic needs. This fundraiser features a cookbook which includes beautiful narratives from the Sisters explaining the origins of their unique traditions including their ‘all-pink’ meals on Gaudete Sunday and the solemn meal prepared for our Lord Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday. Mother Prioress permitted photographs of their meals with a desire to share aspects of their liturgical living with their benefactors. This truly is an insightful publication which endears us even more to our beloved Sisters and the sacrificial lives they choose in their desire to make themselves more pleasing to God. Additionally, volunteers have offered unique recipes from around the world. Please consider participating in this cookbook fundraiser. May God reward you for your generosity.
The printed copy is an 8.5”x 11” soft cover book with premium paper and full color images.
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A look inside the Sweet Carmel Volume II cookbook:

Recipes and narratives about the traditions at Carmel
from the Sisters!
Recipes organized by
liturgical season!
A look inside the Sweet Carmel Volume I cookbook: