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Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be in Our Chapel from July 7-16th & live on Instagram

Carmelite Monastery Morristown



"Flower of Carmel, blossoming, bearing one, light of heaven, Mother of God's dear Son, vine and Virgin."

The solemn Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be in the Chapel from July 7th to 16th at 7:00 p.m. with Mass on the feast, Sunday July 16th at 7:00 p.m., followed by blessing and distribution of Scapulars.

Dear Friends:

Our mission is a life of prayer for Priests, the World and you, our dear friends and benefactors. Without your continued generosity, our contemplative lives would be harsh indeed. We are overwhelmed so often with your gifts of food, money, service and the countless niceties that you bring to the "turn." A thousand thank you's accompany the daily prayers for the intentions of you, the special family of Carmel benefactors.

We will be using INSTAGRAM to simulcast the Novena which this year will be given by Father Gregory Zanetti, a dear friend of Carmel who resides at St. James Parish in Basking Ridge. To receive the simulcast, go to INSTAGRAM and friend CARMELMONASTERY and we will let you know when the broadcast begins.

  • Our community in Malta continues to take root. We have 6 sisters there now.

  • Sorry to report that Sister Eliane of the Virgin of Mount Carmel, OCD passed away on March 15th. She was 92 and will be in our prayers.

  • Daily mass is at 6:30 A.M. , Sunday Mass at 8:30 A.M.

  • Monastery maintenance and repairs continue. With heartfelt thanks to all who contribute to the building fund thru the envelopes available outside of the Chapel, GoFundMe and Paypal. If you want to contribute here is the GoFundMe Link: or you can leave a donation on this website.

  • With overwhelming gratitude, we daily thank God for your generosity. Remember, our Chapel is open daily for prayer & Mass and our volunteers are there to assist you with Mass cards and religious articles. Please tell your friends about us.

You are always in our prayers, this is our life inside these walls. We are so dependent on all of you and thank you for your constant generosity.

Mother Therese of the Child Jesus and the Nuns of The Carmelite Monastery of Morristown.

Novena Prayer

Let Us Pray

O Almighty and Eternal God, Who didst adorn the holy order of Mount Carmel with the Glorious title of Thy Immaculate and ever Blessed Mother, grant propitiously that those who celebrate her Solemn Commemoration may, by the assistance of Thy grace, turn their affections from all irregular adherence to this world, and place them entirely on the enjoyment of Thee. Who livest and reignest, one God world without end. Amen



The Discalced Carmelites of Morristown, NJ


189 Madison Avenue

Morristown, NJ 07960

PH:  973-538-0816



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